Denver Business Journal Article About The Peña Station NEXT Development
The Peña Station Next development near Denver International Airport already sports a solar panel-covered parking lot, a huge battery system and other smart technologies — and now it’s aiming for neutrality on carbon dioxide emissions. Several businesses — including Xcel Energy Inc., Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Co., developer LC Fulenwider Inc. and Denver International Airport — are joining with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) to study how to turn the area into a “carbon-neutral energy district ... more »
Smart cities: building a solar-powered smart district in Denver
On the outskirts of Denver, Colorado, not far from Denver International Airport, a grand experiment is underway. Panasonic, the consumer electronics company that has been making its mark on the world of tech-driven urban design, has teamed up with a consortium of local partners to transform a 400-acre patch of greenfield land into a smart district. The project, which falls under Panasonic’s wider CityNOW smart cities initiative, was first unveiled at the Consumer Electronics Show in 2016. ... more »
Seven Things to Know About DIA's New Welcome Sign
First came Blucifer, the larger-than-life blue horse greeting passersby on their way to and from Denver International Airport, a sculpture that Denverites love and loathe equally. Maybe it's the demonic, glistening red eyes; the wild, wind-whipped mane; or that ghastly shade of blue fit for Hades himself that keeps "Mustang" in the public eye. ... more »
Solar Decathlon Awards
As many know, L.C. Fulenwider is a contributing sponsor of the 2017 Solar Decathlon. This year's competition was held here in Denver, Colorado. The U.S. Department of Energy Acting Assistant Secretary Simmons was here to Honor Winners of Solar Decathlon at Final Awards Presentation. ... more » Features L.C. Fulenwider, Panasonic and Peña Station NEXT
The airport owns the structures that host these solar panels, but the local utility owns the systems. The five core project partners in the "portfolio" microgrid that is central to Peña Station included Panasonic, of course, which is investing in storage as a resiliency option for the operations hub it has created with the Peña Station development and is serving as project manager; investor-owned utility Xcel Energy, which owns the solar panels and the electricity they're generating; the Denver International Airport, which owns the land and the steel of the canopy holding the solar panels; energy storage technology vendor Younicos; and real-estate developer LC Fulenwider. ... more »
Climate Action Article on Fulenwider's Pena Station Next Development
Denver and Denver County, which own Denver International Airport, will contribute financial support for the project. L.C. Fulenwider Inc , the developer who owns the land has already approved of the idea. ... more »
Fulenwider Featured In Urban Land Article
About a 20-minute light-rail trip northeast from downtown Denver and nestled on the edge of Denver International Airport, a prototype for the technologically transformed urban neighborhood of the future is just starting to take shape. ... more »
Fulenwider Family
The Fulenwider family under three generations of leadership has changed the face of the city and helped make Denver one of America’s most livable communities. Building on his experience in farming and irrigation, the entrepreneurial L. C. Fulenwider, Sr. and his brother founded Globe Investment Company in 1904 that focused on buying, selling, owning and managing farm and ranch properties. In these early years, L. C. Fulenwider, Sr. helped write the Colorado Real Estate License Laws; many of these same laws are still on the books today. In 1930, the name was changed from Globe Investment Company to L. C. Fulenwider, Inc. ... more »
Mizel, Fulenwider family, Caulkinses are 2016 Business Hall of Famers
The 27th class inducted to the Colorado Business Hall of Fame on Thursday night includes men and women who shaped progress in Colorado and today wield their influence to help elevate and protect the communities in which they live and work with significant social and cultural contributions. The inductees include people working in Colorado today, as well as three business and cultural pioneers. ... more »
Denver, Panasonic unveil 'smart city' tech projects at CES
Denver and Panasonic Enterprise Solutions Co. plan to make parts of Denver International Airport and a nearby development an example of cutting-edge solar energy use, in-home tele-medicine technology and video used for traffic management and security. ... more »
L.C. Fulenwider Announces Major Addition to Denver International Business Center
L C Fulenwider Inc., owner and master developer of Denver International Business Center (DIBC), has completed the sale of 8 acres of land to FlightSafety International. The company plans to build a state-of-the-art Learning Center that will be used to provide training to pilots and other aviation professionals who operate and support regional aircraft and helicopters. The facility will be constructed in the DIBC at 67th Avenue and Yampa Street near Denver International Airport. ... more »
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions a "first win" for Denver aerotropolis
Panasonic Enterprise Solutions will locate a new technology center and business solutions hub near Denver International Airport, bringing more than 330 jobs to the city, the company announced Thursday. Denver beat 21 other cities to win the new facility, in part because of the state's reputation in sustainability and renewable energy, which represents more than half of the company's business, said Panasonic Enterprise Solutions president Jim Doyle. ... more »
DIA picks Fulenwider for FasTracks station
Denver International Airport has chosen a proposal by L.C. Fulenwider Inc. to be the first “aviation station” along FasTracks’ East rail line, airport officials said late Monday. DIA had been looking at two proposals for a rail station. One was from Denver developer Fulenwider for a rail station near 61th Avenue and Peña Boulevard, at DIA’s Denver International Business Center. ... more »
Denver chooses airport station
Denver city officials said Monday they have selected a site for a light-rail stop along Peña Boulevard between Interstate 70 and Denver International Airport, at East 61st Avenue where a mixed-use retail development is planned. They passed over the only other competing proposal — at East 72nd Avenue, east of Tower Road — that would have served a proposed Gaylord convention center and hotel. That project is on hold as Gaylord seeks financing and a new developer. ... more »
Real Estate Veteran Hired as Senior Executive
L.C. Fulenwider Inc. has hired Denver developer Ferdinand “Ferd” Belz III to jump-start development of property it owns near Denver International Airport. ... more »